Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Do Not Go By CourseNotes for Setting Up a Blogger Account; Follow These Instructions

I cannot find your blogs from last week. Let's try again this week by following these instructions below. The CourseNotes were confusing. Please invite me to your blog once it is established. Would you like to invite your classmates to your blog? Let's share. If so, here are their addresses:

Instead of using CourseNotes for Blogger, use the information found on the Web site listed below.  For setting up your blog, talk about a hobby or anything reasonable that you would like to share. 

Notice when you create a new blog, the address should reflect the nature of the blog. The one on the Web site is called HowToBeARedbird. Notice there are no spaces between the words. 

Please leave a comment on this Web site to let me know you have been here.
How to Invite People to Your Blog

Let others edit your blog

  1. Sign in to Blogger.
  2. In the top left, click the Down arrow Down Arrow.
  3. Select the blog to update.
  4. In the left menu, click Settings and then Basic.
  5. Under "Permissions," find "Blog Authors" and click Add authors.
  6. Enter the email address of the person you want to add.
  7. Click Invite authors. (You can only invite one person at a time.)

After they accept the invitation, they'll be listed as an author. You can add up to 100 total members (authors, administrators, or readers) to your blog.

Note: To manage and post to blogs, invited authors or administrators will need a Google Account.

M. Mullis

P.S. You can only invite one person at a time. 

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